WHOA! NO FEAR! When I heard that No Fear had entered the city, I was super excited to check it out. Street Fighter II... not so much but I did play it a round or two. Anyways, I think it's time we talk about a real cool and TOTALLY X-TREEEEEEEEEEME table in the form of NO FEAR!
This table is just plain crazy! You want fast gameplay? you got it! You want a ton of shots? You got that too. Plenty of modes? Oh yeah, more than enough to go around! You want fear? SORRY BUT WE'RE ALL OUT!
No Fear is in fifth gear at all times. The ball moves so dang fast that you'll be flipping moreso on reaction. It is tough to get control of the ball to make the right shots and when you do get the chance, better make it count! Make a wrong shot and you either won't get any points or you will drain.
Fast table and great flow? Must be the work of Steve Ritchie! This table is pure flow; it is pretty much all ramps and loops. No Fear is also one of the few tables without pop bumpers too which means there is very little ways to slow down gameplay. Even when you shoot the ball into the Skull Shot in order to lock the ball, there's a ball pre-loaded in the right popper so your game is stopped for all of a few seconds.

It is great to see more golden-era pinball machines appearing in Toronto. The usual mainstays like 3030 and Junction City Music Hall have recently become hosts to great Bally/Williams era tables, like Dr. Who at 3030 and Twilight Zone at JCMH but now more and more tables from this era are popping up thanks to Toronto Coin Exchange and Guelph Pinball Club! First we saw The Getaway appear at one of my favorite haunts, California Sandwiches, and soon after the Beer & Ball Festival, White Water stayed behind at Handlebar to eat money and take names. Now Coalition is getting in on the action by hosting an underrated Steve Ritchie-designed table, NO FEAR! This table is all flow and very little in the way of gimmicks. The ball is pretty much kept in perpetual motion due to the amount of ramps and loops as well as the lack of targets and pop bumpers. There are no toys which is strange as 1995 was rife with them. I find that a bit hard to believe seeing as Theatre of Magic and Johnny Mnemonic both came out the same year as 1995 but perhaps No Fear's budget was reduced in order to support those two. Some claim that it was due to Williams budget cutting as the popularity of pinball slowly declined after the peak in 1992 and 1993, with a reduction of switch columns and solenoids underneath the hood of No Fear.Anyways, Ritchie's body of work never focused much on toys and No Fear is essentially the best of Steve Ritchie. The artwork by Greg Freres may be an artifact of the 90's but for those that grew up during that time and have fond memories of it will surely enjoy the XTREEEEME cheesiness of it all. The table at Coalition is in great shape too; the playfield is in fine form and everything is working though there isn't all that much to break... Also, Coalition is expanding their pinball line-up and just added KISS! If you're in the Kensington Market area, drop by Coalition for some cheap tallboys and some real good pinball!
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