Wipeout earned a soft spot with me back in 2011 during my first trip to the Michigan Pinball Expo. I came upon this old Gottlieb in one of the side rooms of the Expo and had a blast playing it. It caught my attention mostly because it has The Surfaris' Surf classic WIPEOUT as the main song.
If you follow my other ongoing project, The Surfphony of Derstruction 2000, you know how much I love surf music! On the other hand, Wipeout is not about surfing. Quite the opposite in fact; it's all about skiiing and snowboarding... in the 90's! This table is the embodiment of the 90's. All sorts of Day-Glo colours and fashions add visual flair while the callouts are all sorts of dated terms, like "TOTALLY BITCHIN' DUDE!" and"RIP THE CRUUUUD!". I'm surprised that Pauly Shore wasn't hired to do the callouts for this table. Nonetheless, the theme is totally gnarly and the playfield is wicked colourful.